If you have decided to start your own in-house data center for your company, you will need to make sure that your cables are appropriately situated to not cause problems and to adequately supply power to everything. Here are some tips for making sure that your data centers are as well-organized as possible and will allow you to continue providing your data services in-house.

1. Measure the Length of Cable You Need Before Laying Them Down

Take the time to measure the length of cable that you need before you purchase any cables or lay them down. There are two reasons for this. The first is that a cable of a proper length will have far fewer problems than an especially long cable because you won't have to figure out how to store the extra pieces neatly so that they don't cause anyone to trip and so that they look nice. Having a cable of a correct length will also allow you to avoid accidentally spending money on additional cable that you're not using. No wasted cable means no wasted money. Measuring can be a pain, but if you take this necessary step, you can save yourself a lot of time and money.

2. Test Cables Immediately Upon Laying Them

Once you've got a cable that fits perfectly, make sure that you test the connection. If you are not able to pass the vast majority of the tests that you run on the cable, such as simply checking to make sure that the connection exists, you will need to immediately scrap that cord. It's better to test now than to find a problem in a month or two and then have to test all of your cables individually to find it.

3. Color Code and Label Your Cables

Be sure that you both color code and label your cables so that you can find them easily and disconnect or reconnect the correct ones should you need to make changes to how your data center is set up.

4. Set Up Server Racks With Cables in Mind

Finally, make sure that you set up your server racks with the fact that you will need to run your cables through the area in mind. Don't just haphazardly throw servers everywhere. Plan where you are going to lay your cables first and then plan the servers around them. This will allow you to ensure that all of your servers will get both electrical power and Internet connection.

For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like http://www.cologix.com/.
